Thursday, December 31, 2009

Without using religion, The Bible, or Christianity in any way why are you against same sex marriage?

I've never heard a valid argument against it because it always goes back to religion. Without using religion, The Bible, or Christianity in any way why are you against same sex marriage?
As a matter of fact, marriage between one man and one woman has been practiced in every civilization, including those virtually untouched by Christianity and much older than Christianity. Why do you think the Chinese and Indians practice one-man-one-woman marriage?

While the man and the woman are prime beneficiaries of marriage (he is civilized, she is supported and protected), the chief beneficiaries of marriage are children. Unlike other species, human young take decades to mature. To learn the ways of the adult human world, with its specialized economics and complex relationships, children need a mother and father team to nurture, educate, and love them. Thus, humans have learned to honor this mother and father team with a special relationship, marriage.

The homosexual friendship of two men or two women has nothing to do with establishing a family and making sacrifices to care for potential children. For this reason, it is not marriage as practiced since prehistoric times, whatever a judge with a lively imagination wants to call it.

Where travesty marriage is enforced by law, real marriage invariably declines. For example, in Scandinavia (see link below), cohabitation has largely replaced marriage. As you can imagine, when cohabitating couples hit the inevitable rocky times, they separate, to the detriment of their children.


BruceWithout using religion, The Bible, or Christianity in any way why are you against same sex marriage?
I don't think you and I will EVER hear a decent argument against gay marriage that doesn't include references to Paul's writing or to Leviticus. And obviously, saying it is ';gross'; is not a valid argument. Thinking of some of my heterosexual friends and family members having sex grosses me out tremendously, yet they have every right to engage sexually as they please.

The constitution provides for equal treatment under the law. If someone chooses to deny gay and lesbian couples to marry in their church, they have every right to do so (my wife and I can't get married in a Catholic Church or a Muslim mosque). Denying two people in a loving relationship the opportunity to have their commitment recognized by the government is un-American.

In short, if someone is anti-gay because of religious beliefs, fine. Just don't use your beliefs to deny people equal rights. Peace.
Well, why doesn't ';domestic partners'; satisfy same sex couples?

Look up the state family code....domestic partners receive all the same benifits.

Marriage has already been taken as between a man and a woman.....biblical or not.

Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares that ';Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.';

I do not see this article say ';men and men or woman and woman of full age........';, etc.
Here are some good reasons I am against gay sex:

staph infection

fecal incontinence

rectal proplapse

anal fissures

Obviously, gay sex is not very healthy, especially for men.

So, without using religion, I don't want my children exposed to the idea that anything that is this unhealthy, and produces these kinds of health problems is ';normal'; or ';natural';.

That's why.
Actually, I see three different fundamental arguments against gay marriage:

1.) My god says it's bad.

2.) I think it's icky.

3.) That's the way we've always done it.

Of course, the second one isn't a reason to ban anything, or else anchovies would be illegal too. And the third - well, leaving out the fact that that's not actually how it's always been done (polygamy, interracial marriage, etc.), tradition is at best a starting point for an argument supported by other pieces of evidence.
Because without using religion, God says it's not good to put your privvates into another man's exit. Because without using religion, in the book of romans, it says a man's private shoudl not go inside another man's bum.

these people are rediculous. if you think being gay or having gay sex is gross, then guess are probably straight! Have any of you ever met a gay person? Except for the frilly flamers they're actually nice, normal people. The heart wants what the heart wants and there is no god that could take away a person's free will (nor is there a god period).
its physically unnatural. man/woman relations are natural-for obvious reasons. there parts intertwine for obvious reasons. they also reproduce and further the human race. the very purpose of humans in large part. its purely scientific, all religion aside.
it goes against pro-creation. we have sex organs for a reason. not just for pleasure but to pro-create.

homosexuality is not a form of population control. birth control is.
its only religious reasons that i think homosexuality is sin, but its also religious thinking that i think stealing is sin. If you took God out of the picture then who has the right to say what is alright to do or not.
Do you know how many more weddings I would have to buy gifts for?

This economy sucks!

Deuce: Ban smoking then, it's much more hazzardous and it's dangerous to people who don't smoke.
Because it looks bad to see two men or two women kissing

or holding hand,s,,you know children ask questions and

to explain that to a child is hard,and it appalls me also.
Unhealthy, immoral, unnatural, un-reproductive, it un-defines marriage and it's sanctity.
That would depend on how one defines marriage, wouldn't it? If marriage is anything, it is nothing.
If homosexuals want to be as miserable as those who are already allowed to wed, then I think we should let them. They aren't hurting anybody.
Nicely done!!

And it gave Lady God and Deuce a great opportunity to display their ignorance.

A public service all round.
Most will have to appeal to yuck-factor ethics if they can't use their superstitious texts. (i.e. It's wrong because it makes me feel yucky!)
Because the entire state of California is not Disneyland.
EEEWWWWW!! Ickey!!!!!!
its spreads and promotes STD's

valid enough
it's pretty vulgar and unnatural. two pegs? two holes? it's kinda gross, dontcha think?
I am not against gay marriage. Not all Christians are.
You want to exclude religious answers from a question asked in R%26amp;S?
Well, you said it - take away religion and I'm not against it -- -- there.
Because I.... uh.... hmph.
only if I'm not invited to the wedding
Because homosexuality is an unhealthy lifestyle that shortens the lives of those doing it.
***** Atheists!

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