Sunday, May 9, 2010

3 CONSTITUTIONAL reasons why gay marriage should be legal?

I need three reasons, supported by the constitution, why gay marriage should be made legal. Obviously there are many emotional and moral reasons why, but I'm looking for ones backed up by the constitution. This is for an essay, any help is appreciated.3 CONSTITUTIONAL reasons why gay marriage should be legal?
1) Equal protection under the law as supported by the 14th amendment.

2) Full faith and credit (Article 4). States have to recognize marriages performed by other states (obviously, I think DOMA is unConstitutional) .

3) the 9th amendment says that people have rights that aren't listed in the Constitution. I take this to mean that we assume people have a lot, a possibly unlimited number, of rights, and that being able to marry the person you love is one of them. In other words, the trend in the Constitution is toward assuming people have rights, not that they don't.

Hope this helps3 CONSTITUTIONAL reasons why gay marriage should be legal?
Every court that has ruled in favor of gay marriage (MA, CT, CA and IA) has done it based on some variant of the equal protection clause.
There is absolutely no constitutional basis to support gay marriage. It is often treated as a civil rights issue and thus related to the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment, but it is a behavior rather than a state of being. Constitutionally it should be struck down every time.
if you actually read the Constitution, then you would see that not even traditional marriage isn't protected.
Read the damn constitution yourself.
There aren't any.

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