Thursday, January 21, 2010

How do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your marriage is over and it's time to leave?

My husband acts really mean all the time and pretends like it's not happening and makes no effort on his part to make it better no matter what I try! How do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your marriage is over and it's time to leave?
When you have exhausted all mean for repair of the marriage, and you see no changes occurring, then it is sadly time to say goodbye. If he is disrespecting you, then he does not love you anyway. You would be better off finding a man that will treat you with respect, kindness and consideration. Just don't jump right into another marriage. Take your time next time.How do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your marriage is over and it's time to leave?
it got so that communication was as if we lived separate lives under the same roof. he wanted to get an apartment near his work with a buddy? from work? cuz we lived all of 1 hr from his job. ??? i couldnt open my mouth without him turning everything into a fight. everything he did was exclusive to him and his friends and family alone and never consulted me about anything. hiding work checks/deposits.

pretty much say that's the end of it. he was having an affair.
If he refuses counseling and you ahve talked to him, not yelled or nag, turned off all distractions and talked to him then yeah you should leave.
depends on how long you have been married. if its not long then its time.. if you have been married a long time.. then you might be able to work things out
If you feel it in your heart and soul that this marriage is not going to work then you need to leave.
I was married 23 years then got divorced. You have to ask yourself one question, AM I HAPPY????
when you have to ask us

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