Saturday, January 23, 2010

Should the Gay Community have marriage rights?

I believe that the Gay Community should have all the that other people do. They are no different, they are people too. They just chose different sexual partners. I would just like to know what people think about this issue.Should the Gay Community have marriage rights?
Yes, everyone should be treated equally.Should the Gay Community have marriage rights?
Every American citizen should have the right to marry another adult of their choice.

Marriage is a legal contract. The fact that the US discriminates against gay individuals and does not allow them to enter into this legal contract, is illegal and unconstitutional.

That is why some religious nuts want to amend the Constitution.

If a church does not wish to perform certain ceremonies that should be up to them, but again, Marriage is a legal contract and not a religious issue.

Also in the US religion is not supposed to be used to make laws.

No matter how you look at it, the answer is yes.
I think they should have marriage rights.

See, some people don't want to get married, but I think if they do that right should be there. Some straight people don't want to get married either, but they always could. So it's not fair for the LGBT community to not have those rights.

Can't think of many other rights they don't already have - except for maybe adopting children, some adoption places are against it - but they deserve to have the same rights as everyone else.
I think they should be free to do whatever they like. But I don't think a gay person marriage should be called marriage. Marriage is between a man and a women, therefore I think they should name it something else and have it more fitable for gay couples. It should be a different ceremony and everything but still the same rights as regular marriage people.

I think they can have common law marriage's. But marriage is a practice that comes from Christianity, and Christianity does not support the same sex being together, so wouldn't it be contradictory for gays to want to be married under a God who does not support gays?


And i don't think the government should allow it either, becuase this country was founded on Christian beliefs and principals, no way should the country change what it has stood for for the past hundreds of years for people who want to be married with wedding vows and this that and the other. God doesn't support it and it would be horrible for the government to completely go against what God has said.

I still don't get why they want to be married if what they are doing is technically wrong in God's eyes.

And it's not because of tax cuts or this or that, becuase gays can have a common law marriage and still get the same benefits as husband and wife.

Gay straight bi lez transg - there is no fricking difference - we are all people! Those who think marriage is only for man and woman - no offence but u guys are so up yourselves! The conservative gay-is-bad straight-is-superior gay-makes-me-queasy people almost disgust me.

marrige should be a union between 2 people, regardless of sex, with exactly the same rights, exactly the same benefits, etc.

Marriage isnt just to procreate. It's majorly about uniting wtih the person you love. End of story. Who decided it was against 'the natural order'? There's too many ppl in this world anyway. And love isn't a religious thing! It's something anything with a conscience can experience! Whoever is saying 'it's against god's will ... not going with the bible' - um, hello, if we all started doing everything by the bible, we'd all be walking on water and trying to fill our starving stomachs with a couple of fish!
marriage is for a man and a woman from the beginning of time.

i have no objection of people being born gay. I have no objection of them liking each other strongly. The fact is that marriage was meant for a man and a woman who sincerely love each other. I know gay people should have the same rights as others but marriage was never meant for same sex. I respect all people....but once again.....marriage is for opposite sex people that love each other.
I agree 100%.

I am straight and happily married.

I don't see how on earth gay people getting married would take anything at all away from my marriage.

50 years from now the next generation is going to wonder why this would even be an issue the same way I look back on the Civil Rights movement and can't understand why there was ever any doubt that African Americans should have every right as my white grandfather.

California voters- Vote NO on 8!!!!
Yes, for many reasons.

1) Separate is not equal (brown vs board of education)

2) Government and Church should not mix (the church should be able to do what they want, but under the law they should have the right)

3) It's not hurting anyone

4) The constitution is for granting freedoms, not taking them away

5) It's between those two people (and god, if you so believe) and we do not have the right to pass judgment

i believe that it would be absolutely against our government to not allow gays/lesbians to have a relationship. but i do believe that it should not legally be called a marriage, because in the bible, which our nation was founded on whether you believe it or not, it says that marriage is between a man and women. also, the dictionary says that marriage is the formal union of a man and a women in which the two become husband and wife. so they have the right to have a relationship, but i don't believe the legal name should be marriage or that they are allowed to hold weddings
Absolutely. It is about equality. Most people among the gay and lesbian community do not feel they are gay or lesbian by choice. I don't feel my orientation was a choice.

Fundamental rights should be given to the human race equally without judgment, prejudice, or being scrutinized.

Please vote NO on Prop 8.
no, they shouldn't for the fact, that if you have 2 gay men's income which is not fair to other marriage couples because women in socirty make way less than men do. if you have 2 female lesbians their income isnt going to be high because their both women, doing women jobs. Plus we need to populate. Being gay is a sin, but not any different from any other sin. I think a lot of gay people are confused about sexuality and their gender.
As a lesbian, of course I want equal rights.

As an atheist I will say there's too much emphasis put on the ';ceremony.';

I WANT THE RIGHT to marry... as any heterosexual wife-beating porn addicted deviant has.

I dont necessarily care for the ceremony to be conducted in a church setting by a member of clergy.

I DO think I should have the right to go down to city hall and have the service performed by a justice of the peace, though, and have the result be called MARRIAGE with all the bells and whistles that come with that RIGHT!!!

I hate how people who are pro prop 8 say, ';Oh, you'll still have your rights, it just won't be called marriage.'; It's not the same!

Its like saying to women, ';Oh, you can still vote, but we'll call it something else.';

Or telling black people, ';Oh, you have the same rights as all other people, but we just won't call you people.';

The whole world now seems to fall at the feet of masses of people marching on washington! First it was the blacks, then the gays, and both succeeded with masses of people wanting some rights! next will come pedophile right to Freedom of sexual choice. Freedome of sexual choice is also mentioned in the Constitution! A million man pedophile march on the capitol building would surely change the laws once more. But that would not make it accepted? Just Legal!

Where are the moral,,,, religious issues?

I don't think so. I don't have a no problem with gay people. I think that it's fine to choose whatever you want to choose. However, although I'm not too religious, marriage was intended for a man and a woman to procreate. What the heck are two people of the same sex going to procreate. According to the bible they will live in sin (which is fine by me, I'm no saint), getting married is not going to get them a special place in heaven.

That's just my opinion. Again, I don't have anything against people fornicating in sin (LOL), it's awesome.
I definitely believe that some straight people should believe in gay rights. We didn't vote against any staright person's marriage so why should they get that right?

I know that a lot of people are fine with gay marriage but others have to understand that the world will not end if gays marry. Also, thanks for agreeing on gay marriage =)
YES they should

I always think of it this way

Why cant two gay people get married and have a happy life together when all these straight people are getting married then divorced, then married, then divorced and so on...

Its ridiculous that politicians think they have the right to decide who can and cannot get married.

They are people too and society tends to treat them almost like aliens... they have moms and dads, love, breathe air, and everything just like everyone else!
Yes. If you are a man who loves a man, or a woman who loves a woman, it is unconstitutional to forbid you to marry that person. Gay people should have the same rights that I have. You know why? Because they are just like me, human. We are all the same species people. Get it through your heads.
Ideally, yes. But it should be voted on by whatever state they live in as to whether or not this is acceptable to the majority of its citizens. Reciprocity should automatically apply if gays are married in one state and move to another. Equal rights but not special rights.
I think christians are a virus on this planet, and want to own and controll everything. Of course Gays should be able to marry----The christians used to preach that it was a sinfull abomination for blacks and whites to marry. THe masses believed them for years. It's time for a change in this country like no other, it's time for OBAMA!!

(sorry had to throw that in there :)
Lol idiot posters. The ';natural order'; never mentions the legality of same-sex marriages. Jesus didn't mention homosexuality. God wouldn't like you putting words in his mouth. If you're not gay, why do you want to stop them from being happy? Does ';Freedom'; only count for you and people like you? Why are you even here?
Sure they are people too. but that just isn't how it works. I am sorry and i am sure i will get a lot of thumbs down on this one but i really don't care. Should someone who loves animals have rights. They are people too..where does the line stop. I guess if you let this one go then there will be someone somewhere that will try to push it a little farther. Just my opinion.
Yes, which is why I love living in Mass.

Plus if you take away the whole religon argument, they have nothing else to argue. And not everyone is religous, this country was founded on freedom. Gay people should have the same rights as straight people it's as simple as that.
Yes. There is nothing wrong with two people getting married to show their love and commitment for each other! As for all of the people that said God is against it... Nobody asked them. People should not push their beliefs on others. They should have every right a heterosexual couple has. It is not the governments job to decide who can and can't be together, and what is emotionally right and wrong. We supposedly live in a free country so give us our freedoms!
yes god made ya that means youre supposed to be here. just like the platypus heehee!! not a mistake!! plus if some *** ever says anything stupid to you about it just mention that there is documented proof that there is gay activity in the animal world as well. my mother and i raise macaws and we had a few gay pairs. they were very happy .
Yes! They should be allowed to marry.

The CHURCH should not meddle with this proposal because the gay community is not asking to be married by the church. They are asking the government to acknowledge their right as a gay couple through a marriage contract.
I reallly couldn't care less...There life not mine.

P.S for those commenting from religion!

Where not all religious, as for me i'm not i am the least bit of realigious i can't stand it. If god was real, why make half the world in poverty with no money, and the stuff we need runs out?
I believe that Gays should have the same rights as other people because like you said they are people too. They just feel that they belong with the same sex and that is why people have freedom. They can choose how they want to live their lives.

Definatly and people who dont think so are oviously very close minded and they cannot chose who they are sexually attracted to , this does not interfere with anybody elses life yet alot of gay people live in fear and rejection, I agree with you 100%
Yes. Passing a law won't make a long term same sex couple exist or not exist. It is already here, just not with a little word associated with it... and I'm sorry, natural order? Humans are not the only species with homosexuality.

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