Tuesday, January 19, 2010

If your child or grand child is gay, will you deny him/her the same benefits you recieve from marriage?

What if your child or grandchild came out and decided to be openly gay? Will you deny them their right to marry? And why?If your child or grand child is gay, will you deny him/her the same benefits you recieve from marriage?
i would support them no matter what. i've always been for gay marriage. i don't think anyone should be denied rights. i think its ridiculous that people would deny people some of their rights just because they are too close minded to accept who those people are. it will be legal one day, though, just like interracial marriage is.

edit: marriage is not a christan tradition. religious all over the world have marriages, the ceremonies may be different, but it's still a marriage. and if you want to have the benefits that go along with being married you need to get married through the state and not the church.If your child or grand child is gay, will you deny him/her the same benefits you recieve from marriage?
Of course not!!! If I had a homosexual son or daughter, or grandchild, I wouldn't deny their right to marry. I would attend their wedding. Why are people so homophobic? Being homophobic is shitty. Homophobics, heres a question for you: Would you deny your grown child the right to marry if they were engaged to someone outside of their race or religion? Just a few years ago, interracial couples were denied their right to marriage. The same thing is happening to homosexuals. Just because the Bible says to hate gays and lesbians, doesn't mean hating is the right thing to do. Because Hitler wrote ';Mein Kampf';, is it okay to hate Jewish people? NO!!! People need to think for themselves, for crying out loud. If homophobia continues, another Holocaust might happen. Hate leads to genocides and wars. Homophobia is just as terrible as racism. FYI, anyone can get married, not just the ';oh so high and mighty'; Christians.
If they are a legal adult and came out as gay, I would have no right to deny them the right to marry, but that does not mean I agree to their lifestyle choice. Most states still say they wouldn't have the same benefits anyway. Also, the Bible says it's just plain wrong. That would be one union that I would personally never recognize, but that is my beliefs and convictions. Your parents or grandparents have the right to make their own decision as to acceptance or not of your lifestyle.
No f***ing way. They will get every ounce of love from me that I would give a non-gay child or grandchild. Any person who would treat a gay child differently from a non-gay child deserves to have horrible things happen to them.

I feel ashamed every time I think about the fact that I live in CA and so many people voted to strip homosexual people from their human rights. It's disgusting and I am saddened. I hope one day soon homosexuals will have the same rights as everyone else.
Yes, because marriage is traditionally a Christian tradition and Christian churches are against homosexuality. They can have a union without being married. People need to get over the gay marriage thing. I know Im going to get so many thumbs down on this but its my opinion so deal with it. Also, a few of my best friends are gay and I have told them how I feel about it, its not like Im closed minded or sheltered. I just dont believe in the traditional ';marriage'; for gays.
No I wouldnt. I have lots of gay friends, and I have been with the opposite and same sex, though I prefer men. Its their right in our free country to marry the person they love, they cant help who they love, and at least they found someone to love, lots of people go thru their whole lives not finding that person they want to spend the rest of their lives with, who are we or anyone else to tell them they cant? As long as they arent in our faces about it, or trying to get with someone who isnt interested that way, I wouldnt care.
Ok. So several people on here said something to the effect of ';I 'm ok with it, as long as they dont call it a marriage';.

Why? What does it really matter? What are YOU afraid of? By saying same sex couples can enter a bond of love but they can't call it a marriage is biggoted, and childish.

I wear a wedding band, I am a gay man. People see my wedding band no differently than yours. Im asked if I am married, and reply yes. People dont give it another thought.

So I ask you what difference it really makes whether we call it a marriage or not.

Basically what you are telling me is that I am a second class citizen to you, and that my values, and dreams are lesser to yours. That makes you a biggot.
I'm with Kiely.

Call it a ';union, Partnership'; or whatever other politically correct term you wish and I am all for it. With all the same advantages and disadvantages. As long as gay people insist on calling it a ';marriage'; I will continue to oppose it.
Well, since I am just the average citizen, and can neither marry people nor deny it of them, it has nothing to do with me.
i found if you answer a question about gay and it not 100 positive men ur classed as a homophobic
Nope. I don't care if they are gay or if they want to get married. I'll be there at there wedding.

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