Saturday, January 23, 2010

What's the single most important life-lesson you've learned from marriage?

It can be anything at allWhat's the single most important life-lesson you've learned from marriage?
Actually, I learned more than one...after a divorce!

1. You cannot make other people love or accept you. You have to love and accept yourself first.

2. Love means different things for different people. That is why talking is so important! Nobody can read your mind.

3. Money and background DOES matter...So do values and religion.

4. We cannot expect other people to make us happy. Happiness depends on what we do for ourselves....What's the single most important life-lesson you've learned from marriage?
The best thing I can say is it is good to have and honest communication. Talk about sex and everything else. Talk and listen to the other person. Never go to bed or out of the house angry-talk about the issues. I would recommend premarital counseling to makes sure both are on the same page.

Stay faithful and true to each other. Have at least a weekly date night. Gifts or nice things should not be done just because of a special date or after an argument- surprise the other. Leave little notes or messages (ONCE in awhile (don't go too crazy) telling the other that you were thinking about them.

Each one has to feel important not all the time but sometimes. Marriages will have its ups and down as long as your both faithful to each other then any problem can be worked on and through.

-I am a hopeless romantic- I would leave rose pedals on the floor when my wife came home from trips.
I've learned that we have so much to teach each other. We were very different when we met and married. As the years go by, I show him how to be more sensitive, he shows me how to be more assertive. He teaches me how to be more logical, I teach him how to be more spiritual. He shows me how to let things go and kick back and I show him how to get on task and accomplish things. I think that by the age of 80 or so, we'll actually be the same person Of course, by then, we'll forget everything we've been teaching each other....

I have learned that marriage is like a two way street. We learn to STOP and to GIVE WAY and SLOW down over the bumps and never go down the ONE WAY street or it just becomes a DEAD END. I have also learned that you need to remember that at the end of the day your children will grow up and leave home, so you really need to be with some one that you want to grow old with.
Single most important: Don't sweat the small stuff, and most of life is made up of small stuff. When you are angry with your spouse, think ';Will I care about this next week? Next month? Next year?'; If you won't care about it a year from now, it's not worth fighting over.
To marry someone you respect, that you would potentially want children with, and that you would be happy if your childrent turned out like them. Even if you dont want children, thinking about it in this context tells volumes about someones character.
Don't do it!

If you are happy single, stay single. Marriage guarantees nothing. There's NOTHING a man can get from marriage that he can't get from being single. Except for losing half his assets.
You have to be willing to give in, agree, give up, ignore your needs, compromise, etc....100% of the time, and hope they only ask for 50.
Men and women are truly two different species.

I love my husband dearly but if I had it to do all over again, I would gladly still single. Or maybe next time I'll marry a rich guy.

That everything should be 50/50. and if something is bothing the other person then make it a big deal even if it's not a big deal to you.
Don't expect to receive what you give.Give from the heart and expect nothing in return. Go grasshopper, live long and prosper!
Not to be selfish, and to let the little things go.
Its good to marry for love. Its bad to marry for money. Its wise to marry for both!
When you leave it you lose all your stuff.
Marriage is the easy part. Kids complicate your life.
If you can put her happiness before your own, you are actually helping yourself.
Dont buy the damn ring!!!
communication, mutual respect and love
You will fall in and out of love with your spouse...just as long as you both aren't out of love at the same time its ok!
Life isn't all about me
Not to get married again.............
that at times you want absolutely nothing to do with your spouse
cheat on your wife before she cheats on you

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