Saturday, January 23, 2010

What rights do you lose if people get the right for gay marriage?

And I mean legal marriage, not religious marriage.

Nobody needs religious marriage.What rights do you lose if people get the right for gay marriage?
NoneWhat rights do you lose if people get the right for gay marriage?
Nobody said they'd lose any rights, so it's a moot point.

It's not even a very meaningful question. I don't lose any rights if a gang of thugs raped and murdered you, either. See how little sense it makes.

Anyway, it's up to the people and their representatives to decide on it.

A lot of people, like me, oppose what's been going on because mostly it has been imposed by a court - by tyrannical dictate - rather than being decided by the people or their elected representatives. That violates my right to have the laws of the land made by legislation, rather that by the dictatorship of a court.
Gay Marriage is NOT about Marriage!

What it is about is the total and complete institution of the “Homosexual Agenda” ... the gateway for imposing full societal ‘acceptance’ of the gay lifestyle.

Force fed to all those who have any reservations of any kind against it for any reason.

See: What same-sex “marriage” has done to Massachusetts…

The excuse is: “Because ‘Same-sex Marriage’ is legal, you must now...”

Quote from website:

“Anyone who thinks that same-sex “marriage” is a benign eccentricity which won’t affect the average person should consider what it has done in Massachusetts. It’s become a hammer to force the acceptance and normalization of homosexuality on everyone. And this train is moving fast. What has happened so far is only the beginning.”

Further quotation from website:

Business (Forced to comply)

• All insurance in Massachusetts must now recognize same-sex “married” couples in their coverage. This includes auto insurance, health insurance, life insurance, etc.

• Businesses must recognize same-sex “married” couples in all their benefits, activities, etc., regarding both employees and customers.

• The wedding industry is required serve the homosexual community if requested. Wedding photographers, halls, caterers, etc., must do same-sex marriages or be arrested for discrimination.

• Businesses are often “tested” for tolerance by homosexual activists. Groups of homosexual activists often go into restaurants or bars and publicly kiss and fondle each other to test whether the establishment demonstrates sufficient “equality” — now that homosexual marriage is “legal”. In fact, more and more overt displays of homosexual affection are seen in public places across the state to reinforce ';marriage equality';.

ELECTION 08: ‘Gay marriage’ legalization would squash religious freedom, experts say…

Quote from website

LEXINGTON, Mass. (BP)--Robb and Robin Wirthlin didn’t want to believe their son. In fact, they thought he might have just misunderstood the teacher’s lesson, as second-graders sometimes do.

So when he came home in March 2006 and told his parents his public school teacher had read the class a children’s book about “gay marriage” -- the story of a prince supposedly marrying another prince -- his parents wanted to check out the facts. To their surprise and dismay, though, the teacher had indeed read the book, which ends with a depiction of the two men kissing. “Gay marriage,” after all, is legal in the state.

To make matters worse, the Wirthlins were told they would not be given advance notice in the future about any such books.

This is a short video on how Same-Sex Marriage has affected one family’s life in Massachusetts.…
You don't lose 'rights'! But people argue that it degrades the sanctity of marriage etc
the right to have morals
I don't get to be a bigot and excepted by the public anymore.
None as it does not affect me in any way.
What rights do you lose if people get the right to sibling marriage?
None whatsoever, of course.

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