Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why are the only important domestic issues to Republicans abortion and gay marriage?

Do you really think if two guys marry that it will affect your home? Your way of life?


Is a womans choice so threatning to you?

Regulations to prevent using abortion as birth control are what is needed NOT legislation to make it illegal.

This is what happens when the ideals the founding father built America on are ignored and religious beliefs are allowed to enter into and influence policy.

What a shame that some Americans are unable or unwilling to see the slow decline of what made America great to begin with.Why are the only important domestic issues to Republicans abortion and gay marriage?
those are the only important things you see emphasized on the media. duh.Why are the only important domestic issues to Republicans abortion and gay marriage?
Gays are overlooking the ultimate threat. Marriage is a religious act, as conservatives like to claim in their opposition to gay marriage. Since the Constitution provides for separation of church and state, having the govt issue marriage licenses or recognize or legislate on marriage is a violation of the constitution., Gays should not be trying to get their marriages legalized--they should get everyone else's declared unconstitutional!

And I shan't be satisfied on abortion until it is mandatory for those who oppose it.
I'm not sure this is true. But these are important issues to both sides.

Conservatives want to over-turn Roe v. Wade, judicial legislation.

Liberals want gay marriage.

Conservatives believe both are properly State's Rights, and not issues for judges to force on our majority.
I'm not a Republican, but I am against abortion without exception. Of course I am not personally threatened by a woman's ';choice'; to kill her child, but some people actually care when innocent human beings are being unjustly and brutally executed. This is like arguing, ';If someone else wants to own a slave, how will it affect your home? Your way of life? Is their choice to own a slave so threatening to you?'; Think abortion shouldn't be compared to slavery? Think again:鈥?/a>
For most of us those are issues that we won't even encounter in our lives. There are far more pressing domestic issues such as health education, poverty, crime.. the list goes on, however they do not spark and emotional and controversial debate.

Politicians like to define themselves on their differences. Appealing to many Americans with the idea that abortion and gay marriage are destroying the family can bring votes. It is a known fact that the family unit has been changing and disintegrating over the years. It is easy to place blame on the gay agenda or abortion as opposed to looking at factors such as cost of living has resulted in two parent working families where children are in day care, and there is really no family quality time.
Too bad your mother didn't exercise her right to have an abortion on you. If you hate America so much, please leave. Join the insurgency, do what you want, get out of my country.
Those are the only two issues they know will sir up their most loyal political base: the right wing religious fanatics. That is why these issues become so important every two years. They are smoke screens to win votes and secure a majority. Of course, we saw how well that worked in the last election cycle for Republicans. Perhaps, if they are particularly shrewd, they can think up some new groups for them to hate in the upcoming election.
Religious beliefs is what this country was founded on.Every State Ratifying the Constitution had a State Church. Not a State Religion but an actual state Church. Some had laws that you could not vote if one where not of the Chuch (Southern Baptist) of that State. How about regulations that make it illegal to abort a baby after a certain trimester or month? There are some abortions that are done in the ninth month. the baby can live outside the womb? If it does not endanger the mother? C-section? Or would you rather kill the baby. The ideals the founding fathers built this country on was the belief in a creator?

Religious beliefs are the reason you have the right of speech. religious beliefs are the reason you have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Religion has been the reason for 90% of all the mysteries of science being reveiled. Many of the old world scientist say ';I believe i can find the mysteries of this world because their was a creator ogf this world';. And the first written book to tell us the world was round? The Bible.
I'm a Republican and my two most important issues are money and national security. The Democrats want to take my money and make my country less secure. Both of those affect my life. Oh yeah, and the Dems don't really care if thousands of babies are butchered a year but whine and moan about a just war. Get over yourself

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