Thursday, January 21, 2010

What's worse for marriage, people not marrying or a high (50%+) divorce rate?

People complain about the sanctity of marriage. So I'm asking you, what is worse for marriage? Is it the high divorce rate, or people not marrying to begin with and just having babies?What's worse for marriage, people not marrying or a high (50%+) divorce rate?

Your missing A LOT in interpreting what marriage, having children and having a really good relationship is suppose to be about.

First there has to be love...and the right choices to go along with a committment to trust and to NOT CHEAT...and to do basically ';no harm.';

Second you have to know what rules or natural laws to follow to assure you have a fighting chance of making it! (Bible 101)

Third, you have to think of the other person and the children FIRST...before yourself. (This one gets most men).

Fourth you don't go into a relationship or anything else, HALFWAY. If its worth doing, then its gotta be ALL OR NOTHING.

The ';paper'; signifies that TWO of you have made a committment to each other and any future children...and to God. The paper makes something magical happen...IF your in it for the right reasons, anyway. Yes, our world is increasingly NOT condusive to having marriages last, unfortunately. There is increasing ';bad'; that creeps in and leaves us sometimes SO turned around we cannot make it...or we quit even wanting to try.

But for those who WANT it, there is always a way, ONE DAY AT A TIME, with the understanding that LOVE fades sometimes, but if you stick it out, it comes back GLOWING...and the bad things WILL happen...but if you stick through it you can find a way to overcome the bad.............and then if you make it, say, 30 or even 50 years you KNOW that love is made up of MANY parts that include the bad and the fading of the ';butterflies'; and that it turns into something magical and undescribably ';happy'; with time.

Giving to others is how we MAKE ourselves WHOLE and happy...marriage is a true giving experience.

If you are sitting in a live-in relationship.........maybe with children involved even, not wanting to marry for fear of failure........YOU ARE FAILING ALREADY. Its a natural law that NOTHING ever stands still. It either moves forward, or gradually fades completely away!

Your doing nothing but sitting on the fence and that is a cowards way.

Sorry about the straight talk, but it is what I believe.

Blessings to you,

Bunny7What's worse for marriage, people not marrying or a high (50%+) divorce rate?
In my opinion, the high divorce rate is much worse. The high divorce rates make marriage a joke and devalues it. I believe that the driving force behind marriage is no longer commitment, but money. That's what marriage is all about now, just money. Then that leads to divorce, which again, is all about money and who gets what.

Then there is the issue where people rush into marriage because after 2 months of dating, the couple believe that they could spend the rest of their lives together. Then after a few months being married, they realize that they aren't compatible with each other and have made mistakes.

I see nothing wrong with people just staying boyfriend and girlfriend for the rest of their lives. Does a ring really have to show that two people HAVE to be committed? Marriage is just something concocted by religion and society's morals. People have a child out of wedlock and they are frowned upon by society. But why? It's ridiculous. People not marrying is not a bad thing.
I think people are jumping into marriage not realizing the vows they're making and that it's actually a commitment that takes work. The ';for better or worse'; goes through one ear and out the other or they get married too young and don't realize the financial commitments. Or some people confuse ';like'; for ';love'; and don't realize it until they get married.

Marriage is a big deal. You need to realize that before you propose or before you accept the ring he's giving you. Make sure your heart and mind are in sync when you accept and it'll work.
Well, what is ';good'; for marriage? Just having a lot of marriages, or having good marriages? I prefer quantity over quality, so I'd probably say both the divorce rate and people not marrying are good for marriage. People who do not feel they are ready to commit to marriage should not marry. And people who feel they are in a bad marriage and cannot repair it should divorce.
i believe that divorce and not marrying are pretty much around the same bad lever for the innocent children involved.

who may grow up without a father or mother.

but i would definatley say divorce is worse because the child would feel some sort of abandonment by the parent who is not there as much. and even if they are there, there is usually shared custody , and it is hard to explain to children whats going on when they don't understand adult problems or why momy or dady have a new girl/boyfriend.
Whats worse for marraige is it not happening..



If you dont try, you can never succeed..

so if you dont get married at all..

that divorce rate means nothing.. just as its

success rate counterpart also means nothing..
I think no marriage is better than a bad marriage.

weddings cost so much time and money to just get a divorce. Better to not have married in the 1st place

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