Saturday, January 23, 2010

Republicans: Would you be willing to call your own marriage a ';civil union'; rather than a marriage?

Many Republicans seem to think that civil unions are adequate for gay people. So, if you feel the same way, would you be willing to refer to your own marriage as a civil union, rather than a marriage? Why or why not? Thanks!!!Republicans: Would you be willing to call your own marriage a ';civil union'; rather than a marriage?
Great question.

I'm honestly in awe of how stupid some of the responses are

';Can a lesbian impregnate another lesbian?'; seriously. This is the dumbest argument you can make. Is a marriage invalid if the man or the woman has an extra chromosome and can't procreate? What if your wife was infertile due to cancer? What if you married too old and couldn't have kids? What if you just didn't WANT kids. Marriage isn't about spawning more little hellions, its about love.

';Gays don't want to get married'; Seriously my jaw dropped when I read this. You must live a sheltered life and aren't exposed to the Gay community, or just don't pay attention to the massive uproar when Prop 8 passed in CA.

Now, I dont mean to bash on everyone, there were a couple of responses I felt were very interesting. But for crying out loud, some of you need to think before typing

To the religious folks: remember, the United States is NOT a theocracy like Iran. Our laws governing marriage are to protect the rights of citizens, not give a church power over others. If the united states adopted the Christian verison of marriage, Divorces would be illegal, Christians could ONLY marry Christians, and if one spouse cheated the married couple (both man and woman) would be put to death regardless if the other spouse was faithful.Republicans: Would you be willing to call your own marriage a ';civil union'; rather than a marriage?
No, I would not want my marriage to be called a civil union. I am straight though and not gay. If you think about it, not to get whatever on you but there are laws to do w/a man and woman getting married because it is natural. Biologically speaking: a man and woman fit. They can procreate. It is a special union. Two women and two men alone, is unnatural so to speak. I understand that it is becoming more common and more acceptable, not everyone fits the traditional role. Some people are born that way and others choose it. How long ago could blacks not vote? Were slaves? When did women get their rights? It will take time but overall, its more unacceptable w/society. There are also bad apples that give you a bad name like in anything. I've never understood why even male/female pda is looked down on and not done that often, why it seems gay or lesbians need to make a point of doing it too much in a public place. Gay males seem to go through more partners and remain unfaithful then reg relationships.
If it was honestly a civil union I would not mind it being referred to as such. If the union took place in a court house rather than a church then it would be considered a civil union. A civil union is a legal action taken between two parties, which provided specific rights to both individuals. In other words this would work for couples that do not want the religious defined marriage. I am surprised many nonreligious individuals do not refer to their ';marriage'; as a civil union already.
The Great American Paradox.

The other day I was asked “How can conservatives want freedom of Government when they want to control our bedrooms?” Of course the asker was referring to the ban on gay marriage.

I could have gone off on a rant about how liberals want to control what we eat, smoke , drive, put in our gas tanks, etc, but I chose to stick to the issue.

I had to explain what I call the Great American Paradox. You see, as a conservative, I would go to war and fight for your right to own property, build a house and do as you wish behind the sanctity of your walls. America was built on personal property rights and personal freedom. We cherish these ideals want everyone to have them.

But when you move fornication out of your house and into the public view of your front yard, you have crossed the line. That is the moment I will fight you.

When you cross that line between private and public, you have forced me to accept your level of degeneracy.

Marriage is a statement before God and the public. Do as you wish is your house, but don’t pervert the public.
Many republicans think that civil unions are adequate for gay people because,as Christians,we are tolerant and giving people.Since God's law has no room for the abomination that is homosexuality,we concede that two gays deserve the same rights that married couples have.So we think civil unions are the answer.If you can convince God to change his mind then I will be all for it.Let me know when you succeed at that,would ya?
Call my marriage to my wife anthing you like . It isn't a religious union . It's a legal union based on the love of 2 people . People can argue but we know what we have ....

ajs... I can't impregnate my wife ,she's already in menopause ... so does that make our marriage null and void ? That is one stupid argument .
no becvause a marraige as definied.. is a union between a man and woman and deserve to have their relationship called a marriage. i wouldnt even give gay peopel civil unions.. i would however give them a therapy session. all they need is a little attention.
You can call it a tree if you want to.

Doesn't change the relationship my husband and I have. It doesn't devalue our love or any of that mumbo jumbo.

Frankly, it's only a piece of paper. I couldn't even tell you where our marriage certificate is.
That wouldn't be very conservative to change our marriage laws now would it? Besides gays don't want to get married. They want to be different so be different its ok. Just coexist peacefully and keep it in the bedroom like everyone else. Have some tolerance towards straight people.
Very interesting. It would be quite something if straight, liberal couples started getting ';unioned'; instead of married, in an effort to put everyone on the same level (even if that doesn't turn out to be ';marriage';).
What exactly is the difference?

Let them call it what they it marriage even. Still won't be normal or natural whatever you call it and nothing can make it so.
It's not the ';Civil Union'; it is the ';Union Between the States'; !!!
If I were ';married'; to another woman YES

This is not a democrat/republican argument. Even Obama is against same sex marriages
I was married in a civil ceremony by a judge so it is a civil union.

We never had a wedding ceremony in a church.
No. My union was sanctioned by God. So it's a marriage. There's the rub.

GO INTO MY GARAGE.............


GO TO CHURCH...........

AND TELL EVERYONE I DRIVE A YUGO....................!!!!!!

Have your civil unions with all the same ';benefits'; of marriage but marriage is between a man and a woman. Don't trash it.
Uhhh, it has been called marriage for ever. Already defined....why are you people such hateful people.
Can a lesbian impregnate a lesbian?
Excellent question.
depends... will my marriage be the union of one man and one woman under the eyes of the Lord? if so, then no
NO. If you think its not fair for homos than go to some country like france or something
No i don't think so . no need in breaking a tradition .

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