ok so I am to young to have sex, so it really isn't an issue yet, but i am christian and I am afraid that when I get a serious boyfriend and won't have sex before marriage, he'll break up with me. what are your beliefs? please don't insult me or my religion.Would you break up with someone who would not have sex until marriage?
No. I would not break up with someone who would wait until marriage. That is a very respectable thing to do. I am a christian and i had sex before marriage and I totally regret it. I am saved and walking in Christ and loving life. What you need to do and what th bible says about dating is to find some one who is walking with God at the same pace. Only date another christian. Just stay strong and in Christ. Read the bible all the time. Would you break up with someone who would not have sex until marriage?
Alright. If you believe you want to wait, DO NOT change your morals for any man. Never. Ever. Ever.
If he's going to pressure you into something like that when you don't want it, he's not worth it. Find a man that actually respects you.
I believe that you should save yourself for marriage. It's more romantic, and is safer in ways of STDs and accidentally getting pregnant.
So if you want to wait for marriage, BY ALL MEANS DO IT! It's a great belief to have, and is also the smarter thing to do.
Do not let a man tell you what to do. Ever. If he wants to lose you because you won't have sex with him, it's his loss.
Unless I was absolutely convinced she was the girl of my dreams, I would break up with her. Sex is an important part of a relationship and to get married without knowing how compatible you are and how you react to each other is like getting married without ever having seen the other person's face or never having heard their voice.
Do what's right for you. Many people who claim to be xian have no problem with premarital sex. Abstain because it's your choice, not dictated to you.
As for me, I wouldn't break up with someone who wouldn't have sex until marriage...because I'd never start dating them in the first place (or it would end when I learned their view). Of course I'm 43 so my situation is somewhat different than that of a never-married virgin.
Honey there is nothing wrong with you staying pure until marriage. Thats an awesome thing.
A guy who truly loves you will wait and he will be so glad you waited for him to be that special man!!
If a guy threatens to break up with you if you don't give in, then BREAK UP WITH HIM he isn't worth it.
if a guy dumps me bacause of that then i wont care because then i know that he only liked me bacause he wanted to have sex, not bacause he really likes me.
dont worry about what they think they are all immature until the realize that sex dosent matter.
Im asexual so I have no sex drive. I will never want to have sex :). I do love cuddling and kissing but sex doesn't intreset me. I'm worried I too will be dumped again because of this. It's already happened to me but we can stay strong. There are good people out there.
Have A wonderful sex free teenagehood. :)
It is perfectly alright for you to wait until after marriage to have sex. If your boyfriend is not willing to wait until after marriage, I think he is just not worth it.
Guess what. I am the same way. I have told myself i am not having sex till marriage. ANd if a guy breaks up with you cuz he cant get in your pants, then AHviously he isnt the right guy. A good guy should respect you AND your body.
i believe you should not have sex b4 marriage. but that was the reason i got married and it backfired. i was tired of living in sin, but i was miserable with the man i married. i hope you just wait it out. i wish i did.
if Had it to do over again i would wait till i was married if they broke up with me then guess what that means they didn't' care for me as a person or something and i would move on and find the right man.
i totally agree with what yr doin and i plan on doin the same thing! so dont give in matter what guys tell you! if he breaks up with you because you wont have sex with you then its because hes selfish and not the right guy!
It really depends greatly on the relationship.. I see sex as something that is perfectly acceptable and natural at any mature age if the love and chemistry is there.. But then I'm not Christian so I'm not sure if my opinion will matter.
If I really liked her then no, but if you are young then you can be only so impatient!
So to keep him satisfied try going as physical as possible without having sex and keep a bucket of cold water in handy! LOL
I would not stay with someone who did not want to have sex before marriage. It is my personal choice.
If you find someone who also wants to wait, more power to you!
if he really loves you for then he won't mind waiting but if he does have a problm with it then he only has sex on his mind
i would wait if the guy i loved wanted to wait until marrage.
no i would not break up with them ---- not because of religious beliefs but because the lady i care for wants to wait for whatever reason ---- be excellent to each other
I share the same beliefs with you.
sex is not everything...
if he loves you enough he will wait untill you are married before you have sex
I would advise u date a guy who is a christian
god wont condemn u to hell for sex before marriage. but if he really loves u he will wait but thats extremely rare this day and age
i am a christian too and i say who cares because if he wants to then i mean then he is soo not worth it!!
Well if they like u a whlole lot they wont mind it.
No. I would understand that he was doing it because he loved me.
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