Thursday, January 21, 2010

What your defination of marriage material?

selecting a partner takes time, and really getting to know everything about that person u can. so rushing into it will prove to be costly.

1. good work ethics

2. u love them

3. have u seen how they resolve conflict, and is it in a loving way or a mean way

4. do they value your opinions. include u in decision making?

5. are they Christan, and of good character?

6. how did they treat others they were in relationships with?

do they have a goal in life?


7. are they drug free? family oriented? share your views on finances.

8. are they generous with seeing that u have your needs met? are u a priority in their lives, or are u at the bottom of the ladder as far as priorities.

how do u get along with their family?

9. are u alike in morals, and character?does he seem to have a conscience, and know right from wrong? is he willing to wait for gratification, or does he want everything now.

10. does he have a strong belief in god, does he want to live by the will of god?What your defination of marriage material?
One who is honest with their feelings, if you do not tell the other how you feel then there will always be problems. One who is willing to compromise. One who is polite and does not mistreat women. A man who will not live off of a woman but make his own money, but not allow the woman to just sit around and live off of him. One who can give in from time to time for the happiness of their partner, but not always give in. That should come from both sides. If a woman is in any way using you for money run like hell and never look back. I know that sounds bad but believe me it can, does and will happen. I would say this is marriage material. There is a lot more but these are some very basic good ideas.What your defination of marriage material?
If ur talking about what makes someone worth marrying then it's someone that is honest, loyal, loving, trustworthy, can respect u, can appreciate u, and someone that is not afraid to speak up when they are feeling a certain way (mad or sad).

However u must be all this in return marriage is a 2way street! U must give it to recieve it :)
My hubby: )
A person who is one with God, has a career and willing to make sacrifices in life. However, your son must share these qualities with his mate...
A person who has great communication skills, is independant, is loving, and does not have a ton

of baggage.

Obviously, everyone has their definition of marriage material.

I just listed the obvious. I do not know anyone who wants to get married to someone who will not communicate, acts heartless, and has a thousand issues that you will inherit upon marriage.
Tell him all he has to do is not listen to anyone and take an honest look at all married couples and he has to ask himself are any of them still truly in love?!?! Then ask himself how many of them are miserable!!! He won't want to wish marriage on his worst enemy if he is honest about it.
trust number 1 and number 2 is when that person isn't around, do you really want to be with them?

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