Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why do you think Gay marriage is right?

I'm doing a Debate in class on gay marriage. I am on the Pro side and need help with my Debate. Just your opinion on why gay marriage is right, nothing else, no hate speech.Why do you think Gay marriage is right?
Because the Constitution says that we all have the freedom to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Gay marriage fits all three criteria:

The Freedom to live our lives as we see fit.

The Liberty to be the people we were meant to be.

And pursuing Happiness with the person we want to spend the rest of our lives with.

No where in that does it say we have to do all those things with the opposite sex.Why do you think Gay marriage is right?
We do not live in a theocracy, so religion should play no part in our politics.

There is difference between a legal marriage and a religious marriage.

A legal marriage is a legal contract between two people. To achieve this, you must go through the court system, which from my knowledge has nothing to do with a church/religion. Legal marriage plays no part in religion.

The issue I guess is people think gay marriage will force churches to allow gay marriage. No it will not! A church can refuse to marry anyone because they can do what they want. But their wishes should not dictate US policy.

Gay individuals just want equal rights under the law. They are not trying to change religious dogma.
because its not supposed to matter to anybody who gets married. and why they get married to that person.

ur sexuality is just like ur skin color, you cant determine it. it just happens. if you just so happen to be gay/lesbian and you fall in love. (like all people) you want to get married.and then you find out its illegal.

now THATS some f*cked up sh*t.

EQUAL F*CKING RIGHTS. (excuse the language)
Because equal rights were intended for everyone. No matter your sexual orientation race or culture. you should have the right to marry who your in love with and not have to commit to a certain society that is excepting and unstable.

The emotion that goes into a heterosexual relationship goes into a homosexual, or asexual relationship to.

Who is anyone else to make life harder for people in love and people who want to be legally bound.

Hope this helps

Because there are no good reasons for it to be wrong.

Other people's reasons:

';Being gay is sin.'; So the bible says being gay is a sin. Does that mean that someone of a different religion should have to not be gay so they don't sin? Our government isn't ruled by religion. That's the point. It's America.

';It's wrong.'; Wrong in what sense exactly? Because it's up to you to decide who a random stranger marries? No one is forcing anyone to be gay, it's what they want, let them marry who they want.

They government should have no decision on who anyone marries. If two people want to get married, are mature enough to make the decision to get married, then who cares? Why should anyone wish someone a lifelong of unhappiness for being gay and not being able to marry who they like?

These days, it would be obscene to say that black people can't marry white people. Because neither one of them can control what race they are. Gay people can't control being gay either, but the government feels the need to not allow them to get married.

It's not fair.
mainly because it shouldn't be up to anyone but you to decide who you marry, and if it's the whole being gay thing that people have a problem with, stopping people from getting married isn't going to change that. and hey, if they're worried about the tax thing, two guys get married, two girls get married, same amount of married couples right?
Because every gay person deserves the exact same right to be miserable that I have. That's right I'm anti-marriage and pro-gay rights. That means as long as it's legal for ME to marry it should be legal for them to marry.
This is what i think about marriage...

I think anyone should deserve the right to be with the person they love. Who ever said that it had to be a guy and a girl? Whoever said its not ';normal'; to marry the same sex? Who ever did is a retarded dick head. I think people are people, gender shouldnt change that.
equality. i dont remember voting if a male and female could marry, do you? i think its funny how the most conservative christans are against gay marriage...yet they have no problem getting a divorce. if gay marriage is breaking tradition then what is divorce doing??
Equal rights was the reason that this country was founded. That alone is a glowing reason to legalize same-sex marriage.

Re (Tina Y): Why don't you actually answer the question? That is instead of cheaply coming in, thumbs downing a bunch of us, and snatching 2 points you didn't earn.
America is based upon freedom. It isn't are business to stop people from loving each other. People are entitled to love who they want I guess...
Equal rights that we are all entitled to as Americans.
If we lived in theocracy, then Gay people would be slaughtered. lol...
Can you switch to the other side?
it isn't right!

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