Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Do you consider different marriage rights between men and women sexism?

The way I see it, if a man cannot marry a man, and a woman cannot marry a woman, solely due to what they have in their pants, then state-sponsored sexism is at work. If the different genders have different rights, then the state is discriminating based on gender.

What's your take on this?Do you consider different marriage rights between men and women sexism?
I agree, that's exactly how I look at it. If a man can marry a woman, then why can't a woman marry a woman, and vice versa. There's no reason to have gender-specific laws.

By the way, for those arguing that marriage should only be between a man and a woman because of procreation, you should probably petition for polygamy then. There's a much higher chance of offsprings when a guy has a harem instead of just one wife.Do you consider different marriage rights between men and women sexism?
no, traditionally marriage was for procreation (this is fact, not opinion).

so, if you want to argue this, argue that god is sexist, or rather ';hetereoxist';

EDIT: further, if both men and women are denied same-sex marriage, how is this favoring one gender over another? its not. if the govt said ';men can marry men, but women can't marry women'; then you'd have something, but they dont
Yes apart from the other issues involved like equality under the law for gay people keeping gay marriage illegal is clearly gender discrimination
Simply put, Yes.
this is such a stupid question.


because its called the sanctity of marriage.

Gay marriage is SICK.

thats why its not legal in most states
Marriage has ALWAYS existed as an institution to CLARIFY the societal obligations of the parents to the raising of OFFSPRING.

Gays can't produce offspring, therefore MARRIAGE does not apply to them.

IN PRINCIPAL, men and woman can produce children, so marriage CONTINUES to apply to those who are elderly, or otherwise sterile.

Gays are asking for something that has no meaning in their ';world';.
Here is the ';take'; on it that 98% of the country believes in. There is this thing called marriage. It has existed since before you and I were born. It is between a man and a woman. It was meant that way to promote the family unit. That's where the man and woman fall in love, make a commitment to each other , have children and raise a family. It is what has made this country great.

Now if people who have sexual preferences outside the norm, they have every right to do so. They can move in together. They can have a commitment of their own, BUT IT AIN'T MARRIAGE. Find your own thing. Call it whatever you want. Call it a bonding ceremony.

But when we open the gates for people who just wants what everybody else has, but you do not want to be like them, forget it.

I personally believe the opening up the ability to insure your ';partner'; is what has driven us into the health insurance problem we are now in. All someone with aids has to do is find someone to tell their employer that he is their ';partner'; and we are on the hook for a million dollars of health care cost for a disease that was 100% preventable in the first case. Sorry, I do not care what you do behind closed doors, but don't call it marriage and don't ask me to subsidize it.
Yes indeed...I agree wholeheartedly with your premise. This is discrimination, based upon moral and religious grounds. It has nothing to do with protecting anyone from harm as drug laws may be said to. It has nothing to do with criminal behaviour, as we are only talking about marriage between consenting adults. I was told the other night that in some states it is legal for a man over the age of 18 to marry a girl as young as 13!! WTF?? Yet two 35 year old gay men or gay women are denied the right to legally cement their union?

In what way is this fair or just...or MORAL???

It is my belief that gay people should engage in a massive civil disobedience campaign...they need to refuse to pay their taxes. If they are not to be offered the same protections and rights as other citizens, then why ought they be expected to pay for the upkeep of the society?

There are millions of gays in the US...and in my country too. Large numbers of these people are on high incomes, run their own businesses, employ others and contribute massively to the wealth of the country. Largely speaking they do not have children, so they do not drain health and education resources in the same way that heterosexuals do. Yet they pay tax like the rest of us. And in return for their taxes they are offered only marginalisation, discrimination, invective and abuse. The police do precious little to protect them from anti-gay violence. There are some half hearted laws on the books about vilification, but you need only look at films like Bruno to see that they are not enforcved. What do gay people GET out of their taxes? And why should they continue to pay them if they benefit so little from the infrastructure they help to finance?

It would be logically impossible for all of them to be prosecuted for tax evasion...the court systems would be clogged. They can have funds into which they pay the tax that would have been collected ...and state that they intend to contribute to the national coffers once more when they are given their rights.

Now THAT would shake up a few politicians...hit them in the hip pocket nerve...it's where they feel the pain!!

Anfd the thing that gets to me most is that the very organisations which lobby so hard t deny gay people their marriage rights...the Churches...are TAX FREE HAVENS!! They take, take, take...and return NOTHING!!

It stinks. And I am one heterosexual who is over the hypocrisy of it.
LOL. That's pretty weak.
The country is slowly coming to this realization as evidenced by the generation gap that exists in polling regarding this question. Things will eventually change but it won't happen overnight, just ask black people.
There is an excellent rebuttal to your argument in Chapter 3 of ';Same-Sex Marriage and the Constitution,'; by Evan Gerstmann, published in 2003. It is rather long and I could not reprint it here since it would obviously be a copyright violation.
It is sexism. And the people who think that marriage is for procreation, then why are there so many different forms of marriage in different cultures? Look at the polynesian model that is nothing like the version in western culture. That is just ignorance and ethnocentrism.

If it is for procreation, then why do couples who can not have kids stay together?

Why did your grandparents stay together long after all the kids were gone?

Procreation is often the result of a marriage, but it happens all the time without marriage. It is hardly the reason.

The purpose of a marriage is to cement the solid bond between two people and to nurture our own human emotional needs.

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