It is two people loving each other. If in your experience this has proved to be disasterous it is understandable to see how you might mistake gay marriage as something unpleasant.
You needn't be in it.
Many people not shown enough love need to condemn and ban others from loving and professing their own love for another human being. If somebody makes a committment to spend the rest of their lives together who are you to call upon them a moral judgement they cannot?
God loves LOVE and placed it above all other virtures one might posess.
It should take presidence over whatever else you have read so that you can think wisely and do the right thing.
Some read The Book and walk away with snippets and miss the entire message. Sounds like this is the problem leading to your confusion.If Hurricane Katrina was a natural disaster, is gay marriage an unnatural disaster?
It's because people like u that human-made disasters happen! Intolerance is the source of most of the evils we are facing today!
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Love is not unnatural and it's not a disaster. 2 people who love each other shouldn't have a huge negative impact on the world around them, and if they do it's because people are sticking their noses into places they shouldn't be. Gay marriage isn't a threat to religion or to straight marriages, and if people think it is then perhaps they are not secure enough in their religion/orientation/marriage. Just something to think about.
You know, I never thought that the gay community was that interested in marriage, but I see the plight they face by not being ';married';. This society has established an unusual model that if we aren't married, we don't reek the benefits. The emotional part is that living as ';domestic partners'; doesn't bind you legally therefore, you suffer when the relationship breaks apart. Who gets what is a major concern at break-up time. My sister who is hetero, lived with her boyfriend for 7 long years, they broke up and who got what? He got the pets, which my sister was emotionally attached to, and it tore her up for months. What about the domestic partners with children, who gets the children? And the china, and the beach house, its unfair to allow the one with the highest income or the more assertive one to get the loot.
I respect your opinion; however I feel that it is amazing that gay marriage is legal in CA (and MA). I believe that we should celebrate love- not call it a disaster. I am not gay, but I have a deep admiration for anyone who has been loving someone in secret because they would be mocked off or hurt. Humans have very few gifts, and to love is our greatest emotion- why tell two people they should not love each other or get married? Sure marriage is just a piece of paper- but its the reconigtion by our nation that two are united- thats beautiful and I hope some day every state will allow gay marriage. Gay people aren't going out and saying that their ';religion'; says that a man and woman can't be together- why should we do that to them. that is how I feel.
No it is not unnatural it is loving not hate like you do. Now the
Bush adminitstration is a complete diasaster! What a crooked president! He and his oil barron buddies have put this country into a perilous spin and you are worried about people who love each other? Get a life!
bwa hahahahah....!!!!!!!! sorry, I know you are probably serious but an ';unnatural disaster';? Whats more natural than love? you cannot help who you love... geeze o man. well, men marrying men means less men for me to pick from.... darn. but then again... less jerks for me to fall for too! so, in conclusion, no it isn't an unnatural disaster but people may riot around the world if gay marriage is passed in the whole US.
i don't think that they should be married as i am to my husband. that's invading my personal legal rights.
but it makes you wonder if the divorce rate will go down now though!
it was higher than the marriage rate. all these other people getting married will probably stay married.
let me ask you plain and simple, Would you prefer having OJ simpson (we all know what he did) or kobe bryant ( an accoused rapist-- he only got off because he made a HUGE payoff) or would you rather have a gay married couple, living nextdoor to you?
so many descriptions....
if it was so ';right';....why does it need so much help to stand up? BECAUSE IT IS NOT RIGHT OR NATURAL and you can't put a square peg in a round hole!! Why is that so hard to understand??
To ';West of Encino';: Would you rather have Charles Manson, or Jeffery Dahmer, or Ted Kaczynski, or John and Patricia Ramsey living with you?
What type of warped logic is that? I think West of Encino is East of Intelligent
i think they should call it something else, like a legal partnership or something,
Why do people even care about it? I really can't see how these marriages will affect my own in any way. If people want to live their lives differently than what is considered acceptable, then let them as long as they are not harming anyone else.
Why would it bother anyone if 2 people in love get married,regardless of gender?They do no harm to anyone,don't cost us anything,%26amp; won't be knocking on our door asking for a room.So,what's the problem?Btw.I'm straight,if it matters.
An Unnatural Disaster begins in a persons mind. Hurricane Katrina ( began in the mind of GOD.
No, Love isn't unnatural, and gay marriage isn't a disaster.
They do not obey the law of God!
If they do not believe in God, don't spend US money! All US bill and all coins has ';in God we trust';, don't live in USA.
The biggest disaster is allowing the Liberal activist judiciary to dictate social policy.
I have no problem with my sexuality therefore none with anyone elses.
Only people that doubt theirs have a problem
Makes sense if you're anti-homosexuality.
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