Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What does the Bible say when you wait until marriage and your partner is awful in bed?

teach them and learn grasshopperWhat does the Bible say when you wait until marriage and your partner is awful in bed?
Yeah thats a rough one. That happened to someone I know. The guy refused to have oral sex with her and that's the only way she could orgasm. The ONLY way. And he wouldnt do it. She had two kids by him and because of that she stuck with the marriage for almost 20 years, the entire time without having an orgasm with her husband. When her kids were grown, she left. In the meantime during that 20 years she gained over 100 pounds from eating in order to cope with the lack of sexual satisfaction. She is still working on losing that. Poor, poor woman.

Yeah, waiting until marriage is really really stupid, especially for women. Women need to know whether the guy is good in bed, and if not, if he is trainable or even willing to try. If not, get rid of him.

EDIT: umm, to those who said that with masturbation there should be no reason for lack of orgasm -- I would imagine that masturbation for twenty years of marriage would get REALLY old.What does the Bible say when you wait until marriage and your partner is awful in bed?
I'll just take a shot in the dark here and say that you two talk about it. Help your partner be better.

I love the answer from Steadfast. That is so true. How sad would it be to live your whole life never enjoying sex.

With masturbation, there is no excuse to live a life without an orgasm.
Just read the whole Bible!

You can get an Audio Bible on your iPhone or iPod Touch. Very good voice and narration + many features.
If both parties remain pure until marriage, what criteria would there exist to be judged ';awful';. There would be none, both would grow to enjoy what they mutually learn and experience. Thanks for asking.
I've asked this same question...and as yet have never got a satisfactory reply to it.

Best of luck to you though. I'll keep an eye out...I really would like to know!!
Well someone above mentioned that it takes two to tango..ever think you are paybe not holding up your end of the bragain?

I am I crazy or did I just get lucky? 24 years and still having fun
The bible says get a divorce if you want, christians say, too bad, I say practice makes perfect.
Bible has nothing to do with it...takes two to tango. you probably should buy a manual. you're not turning her on...
How, then would, you know that your partner is awful in bed, relatively?

(You could educate each other, I suppose...)
Have patience. Practice makes perfect.
Nothing. Hard luck for that other partner.
DId you forget about the good ol...

';For better or worse, for rich or poor, in sicknes and in health, til death do us part';
IF both you and your partner are new at it, who says it will be awful. You will both learn together! That is part of the fun!
If married someone just for sex, that's pretty jacked up.
What do you expect ? Virgins need practice. Keep on dipping until you get there.
There MUST be something in Leviticus that says you can take her to the edge of the village and stone her to death.
Teach them. Don't blame them. You have plenty of time.
how would you know what awful was if you waited until marriage?
it doesn't say anything about it.
'Thou shall use Yahoo and look at all the hot Atheist girls'
what does your marriage vow say? for better or worse?
deal with it
  • natural cleansing
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