Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Where in the bible does it specifically say that 2 people should not live together before marriage?

I know that the bible says that you should flee from ';sexual immorality';, but if the 2 people are not having sex, or tempting each other, why should they not be able to live together? What if they slept in different rooms? And what's the difference between not having sex and spending the night at each others house (days at a time) vs living together?Where in the bible does it specifically say that 2 people should not live together before marriage?
You dont really need to listen to the bible you know you can think for yourself on these issues.Where in the bible does it specifically say that 2 people should not live together before marriage?
It also says not to be a stumbling block for other believers. Just because you are not tempted by living with your boyfriend(i assume you're a girl cause of your avatar) you might be leading him into temptation by living together. While a guy might not want to have sex initially, it can get hard to avoid once things get hot and heavy. Living together with all that privacy is just asking for something to happen.
Living together prior to marriage isnt the problem, its a sexual relationship where the sin enters. What your referring to is a betrothal, and to those who would suggest this is not biblical may I remind you that Mary and Joseph lived in the same dwelling prior to their marriage at the time of the birth of the Savior. Living under the same roof is one thing.... having relations as man and wife in a sexual nature is something totally different.
The answer is that it doesn't. And the reason is that in those days it was an accepted practice. Read ';Jesus the Man'; by Barbara Thiering.

And what the bible actually says about sex is very little and has been 'interpreted' out of existence. Some translations - such as the King James Authorised version - were made by scholastic clergy who couldn't bring themselves to give a true and straight translation and their mealy-mouthed version has been 'interpreted' since!

And the prohibitions that people think were against homosexuality were mostly not about that. Don't trust preachers and priests about what the bible says - and if you read it for yourself try several versions and when the versions are significantly different please doubt what they say.

Lastly remember that god never learned to write. Every word in the bible was written by one man or another and practically all of them had axes to grind!
The Bible does not mention living together. The only problem I see is that your influence might be damaged because people assume that you will have sex.

If you love and care for someone you become more attracted to them. The temptation becomes stronger and eventually most people give in and end up sinning.

I am sure if you talk with other couples that have tried this you will find out that what I said is right.
The Bible does not speak specifically on co-habitation however we have the Church to guide us in these matters. If your concerned about it I would suggest you talk to your spiritual leader about your specific situation. The fact that your asking the question should give you insight to the answer.
I think what religions try to avoid is being promiscuous, like being a run-around, and preferably getting married for life. It's promiscuity that damages the spirit and can make you less focused and even crazy. Nature wants us to have children to keep the human race going, but that shouldn't last a lifetime, like our commercial culture with the Viagra wants us to do. They're just trying to make money and distract us from focusing on Truth.
It doesn't it arose from modesty and purity.

this of course was written by church leaders in the assumption that sex would be inevitable.

Matt 19 Jesus talks about an illicit marriage which was exempt from the law of divorce(this has changed in protestant bibles)
Thats right!

How the hell do you know that you are both compatible enough to live in the same household?

Its not like getting a lodger, is it?
...I havn't seen it written anywhere saying you can't live together. Maybe I missed something. Let's see what others have to say.

But why are you asking that if you havn't gotten it from scripture and included it in the question? Or did you hear it from someone?
Marriage? that's a ticky one!

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