Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why are we letting people vote on same-sex marriage rights?

Historically, we haven't let the majority vote on whether or not a minority is granted rights.

When came to women voting, we did not let states vote on it.

When came to desegregation, we did not let states vote on it.

So, why are people being allowed to vote on this right?

Think about it.Why are we letting people vote on same-sex marriage rights?
This is an excellent question! As you stated, on other critical civil rights issues the decision was made by the Federal government, as Americans are supposed to have the same civil rights from state to state. I think it gets down to the misconception that being gay is some sort of choice. Second is the perception (most often religious in nature) that being gay is wrong or immoral. I don't see any difference in the prohibition of gay marriage to the anti-miscegenation laws of the 20th century.

Nobody got to vote on my and my husband's marriage...Why should we get to vote about anybody else's? Don't like gay marriage? Don't have one.Why are we letting people vote on same-sex marriage rights?
Hey, ummmm.........

Women's Sufferage was provided by the 19th Amendment, Constitutionally required to be voted on by Congress (theoretically, the people) and 2/3 approval from the individual states.

Desegregation was initially promulgated by the 13th, 14th, 15th and the 24th Amendments (see above for how the people are involved) and then defined by the Court (see Brown, Heart of Atlanta, and others).

States voted in both cases. I guess I am clueless as to your historical point. As to gay ';rights';, please read and ponder the 9th and 10th Amendments and understand that any ';rights'; claimed by any minority group, beyond the scope of being a member of the human race (unalienable rights), are not the issue of the Federal Government but are very much a State issue.

Also, an amendment wouldn't work, either for gay marriage or for the ';defense'; of marriage. Examine the joke 18th Amendment.


Press On
Women voting was passed by an Amendment. The states had to vote on it - through their elected representatives.

In reality the people did vote on desegregation, the 14th and 15th amendments were judged by the Supreme Court to allow desegregation. Once again the states had to vote on it.

Of course, this new idea that individual voters have the time to properly judge every issue and law, more than elected representatives is ludicrous.

Additionally, Massachusetts Supreme Court did make its decision via the 14th Amendment
Gay/same-sex marriage is not a right

It is not a civil right

Marriage in every single society , societies which hated , were indifferent or adored gays , was between one man and one woman

Make civil unions for everybody and marriage a tradition to add on to the civil unions with the requirements that it must be honored , sanctified and between one man and one woman

Anyhow why do you care about gay marriage ? With the economy , the wars , the education , the healthcare you care about gay marriage ?
Because 'historically' at the same time the Constitution was adopted, anti sodomy laws, etc existed. That is why getting rid of slavery took an amendment, for similar reasons. Women voting, ditto.

I tend to see the 9th amendment as incorporating equality of treatment by the government, but history is against me. However, I REALLY think freedom of religion means government should not be in the marriage business at ALL, so each religious organization should decide that for themselves. Since government got into the whole thing fairly recently, that addresses the historical/Constitutional issue as well. If the govt wants to make benefits or something dependent on stable unions, it should call all 'unions' for all couples, not marriage (which is a sacrament in many religions) and should not discriminate between citizens.

I absolutely agree that the Constitution has to protect the minority and the popular majority is NEVER going to be those requiring it be upheld. Since we all will be unpopular minority on some issue at some point (see the 'right wing extremist DHS law enforcement advisories, for example) we all should be very careful that the Constitution is followed. ACLU protected the KKK rights to march, etc., for good reason. If we abrogate our rights when they protect the unpopular (with some) we abrogate them for all time.
Why are we letting people vote on same-sex marriage rights?

Because we are a Democracy.

Truthfully, we are a Free Republic with Democracy by representation. When our elect state legislators don't legislate and vote they way we want to them, we do the legislation via initiatives and propositions. Power to the People!
I don't think you are quite correct. Women's rights was put to a state vote, as part of the ratification process of an amendment to the Constitution. Desegregation wasn't, though, and gay rights shouldn't be either. If left to a popular vote, blacks would still have to ride in the back of the bus.
I don't think it should be out there for people outside the LGBT community to vote on. I am straight, and I'd vote yes for Gay Rights, but then again, I don't really care. I wouldn't want them deciding if I can marry my boyfriend. Just like America, criticize China for limiting the kids they can have, but then they do **** like this...
because its all relative now, dude. there is no standard. there is no center. there is no more foundation to judge anything anymore. everything is acceptable or on its way to becoming so, its only a matter of time before that and other more extreme doings become accepted. the future as you will know it will suck.

It depends on the state. Most states have the courts decide but here in CA the voters have said no to gay marriage TWICE.

Gay marriage isn't a civil right %26amp; isn't the same as when women had the right to vote.

Marriage isn't a right!
good point. We shouldn't let people vote on same sex marriage rights.

But in any event, people are voting on them..........

and they will vote IN FAVOR of same sex marriage.

and there's nothing wrong with a court that interprets equality to include gay people.
It's the religious right/moral majority.

They've been pushing this like crazy...sending money to states that are voting on it and busing their own protesters in.

I would call it silly if it didn't have so many implications.
Well reverse it. What if the courts were the ones that banned it but the majority of people wanted it. Wouldn't you want the the voice of the people to be heard in that case?
Most are ballot initiatives. In Cal. it is hard to keep them off of the ballot.

Once voted on they can be struck down as unconstitutional. Thats my view anyway, for what t is worth.
I live in Iowa and we did not get a choice!I follow the news and there was nothing on about it.We just woke up to Gay Marriage legal in Iowa!I would have voted against it. No to a Christian wedding!
Essentially we鈥檙e voting on whether or not to allow abnormal people who chose to be abnormal to redefine what鈥檚 considered normal for the rest of us.
I really don't think it would be as big of deal if the word marriage was dropped and union was used instead. I see nothing wrong with gays getting the same legal recognition as straight married couples.

Seriously, why is it ok for god to unite a couple, yet man gets to dissolve said union, i.e. divorce?
I've been against it forever --- it isn't something to vote on.

Gay people need love too, and they aren't hurting anything! LEAVE THEM ALONE!
Because, like it or not, it is the American way!

Something liberals/democrats need to learn!
Who cares about gay rights. It's not a big deal.

Gay or Straight, the unemployment is 10%.

Gay or Straight, we are in two wars.
because they deserve to get married... why are you so bothered just don't think about how they get it on and you will be fine!
Marriage is a convenant between ONE MAN, ONE WOMAN and GOD....gays are trying to change the definition and force their immoral ways on the rest of us...VOTE NO and save our kids and future generations!!
politicians are generally cowards
Many of the ';rights'; you talk about were done through people voting whether direct or indirect. Voting rights for blacks and women were Consstitutional amendments which applied to the entire country and had to be approved by a ';super majority'; of the states to be enacted. ost states do this through the legislature but that is a state by state dicesion and some states do referendums. You are saying anything a court says should be law? Why have a legislature then either state or federal just let a small group run everything and if the court agrees then it is law=people don't or so you seem to think. So if legislatures say it is illegal then it can never be changed. Last time I checked despite the best efforts of the government this nation is still a republic with democratically elected officials and if the elected officials or courts determine some thing is right or legal that the majority disagrees with the people have a right to have their opinion heard and laws changed. Before you get personal about me being a right wing, religious homophobic; I am conservative, my religion is not that of the christian right and my niece is gay went to California and got married when it was legal there and I support her and her companion and love them both. At the same time I do have a problem with the insistence of the radical gay rights leadership about they must redefine the word marriage and will settle for nothing else-they all too often get what they ask for nothing. Tennessee voted on this a few years back and gay marriage lost about 60-40, polls at the time said over half the opposition was based on using the word marriage and redefining it-you changed it to a civilian and legal union and dropped the word marriage it would have passed by a larger margin then it lost by but the leadership of the gays rights groups would not bend or compromise so they lost.

Marriage and the definition of marriage is not a federal matter, it is not a power granted to the federal government by the states when the Constitution was written and agreed to by the states and per the Constitution that means the power to regulate and define as with all other powers not specifically granted to the federal government, resides with the states.
You're correct. It's pretty clear that marriage is an institution which bonds one MAN and one WOMAN. I don't see why there is a reason to vote

It's time that the majority stood up against the radical gay agenda
why not let them vote on gay marriage? Last time i checked, that's what happens in a democracy, although for some, even a ';yes on gay marriage '; voter decision will not be acceptable.
I see no reason why not. What is your stance on a federal vote?

Edit: Wow, I'm sensing some seriously strong homophobic vibes.
Civil rights should never be put to a vote. In twenty years, people will look back on this period in history with disgust.
Because centralized government is stupid,

and we are seeing the light

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